Thursday, August 21, 2008

Getting to know me....

Hi! My name is Kellie Brooks. I just transferred to South this year from Faulkner State Community College. I came to South because I wanted to be close to my family. Originally, I planned on going to Troy University, and even spent a semester there. I am a very big family person and believe that every person's "center" should be their family. Outside of my family, I am also a nanny for two wonderful little boys. They are five and three. I spend a lot of time with them, and even vacation with them! I work at S and K Menswear as a seamstress, and enjoy my time that I get to spend working in peace and quiet. That's about all about me, lets here about you!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Post!

Welcome to my blog for EDM 310!!