Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Duke University- Center for Documentary Studies

For this post I wasn't exactly sure what to do. The instructions were on out topic paper, but they didn't tell us what podcast to listen to. So I have taken it upon myself to put something up on this slot. I don't know if its correct, but I wanted to make sure all my posts were here!
The podcast I listened to was of two women who were listening to Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" Speech, and telling her opinion of it. The women were so shocked when Dr. King was shot, and back in their time, the Civil Rights Movement was ignored. They were very young when schools were beginning to be integrated. These older women found it ironic when they were young because they didn't understand why they had to call the other girls "colored" girls.
I am very glad that we have almost overcome all the racism in schools. There is still some white privilege when it comes to the curriculum, but I think that we will eventually overcome that also.

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