Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Edible Schoolyard and A Night in the Global Village

I really thought that both of the podcasts were cool. In "The Edible Schoolyard", it is such an engaging way to teach students because the school literally has an edible schoolyard.. The school has a garden that the students tend to under the supervision of teachers. They not only garden and learn the way of life, but they also learn science from seeing the plants grow and from seeing the water cycle and the bugs that feed off of the plants. After the plants grow the students get to eat them, but before the do they learn the history of the plant and how it came to America. They also learn Math by mix in the ingredients to their recipe.
In "A Night in the Global Village" volunteers of students and chaperons from Rocky Mtn. School of Expeditionary Learning get to sleep in another world. The volunteers go to a camp where there are simulated lifestyles of people around the world. They are all then broken down into family "teams" to survive the night in what we would call the wilderness. They must trade, bargain, and find most of the materials they need while one of their team is pregnant and another has lost one hand. They must cooperate and learn to live someone else's way for one night.
The way that both of these schools teach their students is awesome. Most students understand what they read out of a book, but when you actually simulate how someone lives or how something is growing, it gives them a whole new understanding of how the world works. Many students don't realize that there are people in the world that don't have the things we have and as teachers, we must teach them these things.

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